Baby Grunting Syndrome/Gas

Hello. My baby is over 3 weeks old and from week 2 she started grunting. She gets all red and it seems she is pushing something out. Most of the time she is grunting so badly that she wakes herself up and starts crying. Her nappies are always wet, so she isn’t consipated. I’m thinking it could be baby grunting syndrome or gas. I do mixed feeding and use Aptamil formula. I changed it to Aptamil comfort, but grunting kept happening and her poo started smelling really bad, so I switched back to regular Aptamil. I do regular tummy massages which helps a bit, but it seems that overall she is getting worse. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
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I’ve been having similar happen with my two week old, would love any advice

They’re constantly windy ☺️ try gently pushing their knees up to their tummy (they will grunt when you do this but it’s not a bad thing). Little bicycle legs and tummy massage (in the direction of the digestive system so clockwise). I also stand up and lie my baby on his tummy on one arm, head by the elbow bend and use my other hand to rub their back.

My boy is EBF and he's exactly the same

My baby is the same she’s just on formula the same as you I changed to cow and gate colic and constipation milk and she goes atleast once a day x

Nearly 5 weeks and the same here but EBF she wakes herself up every night and keeps me awake with it. IVF tried infacol, probiotics, wonky winding, tummy time, 20 mind burping, upright feeds and nothing has made a difference, I'm struggling to know what to do next

I’m also struggling with this. My LB just doesn’t seem settled after a feed. I’ve been using the colief drops. Very tired mum here!

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