Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Sign of early autism

My baby seems to flap her arms a lot, I know this is called stemming in autistic children? Has anyone dealt with this? Or is she just excited? She does have very good eye contact, plays with toys etc (maybe I’m being ignorant and autistic children do this too). Baby is 7m next week for info. TIA


Breaking point

Please tell me I’m not the only one. My little boy is 6 weeks near 7 and my good god he just screams and cry’s between 5pm-7pm every night and it is relentless like to the point where I feel I’m going to explode. Nothing we do will help or make it stop maybe a few minutes here and there. I know all babies have a wi...


Foot position

So my 7.5 month old baby has started to pull herself up on stuff and this is how here feet are, I’m just concerned she’s going to mess her feet up or something, she sometimes pushes herself up with her ankle 😬 and she is on her tippy toes sometimes. Did anyone else’s bubba do this to begin? I have been…


Newborn tears?

My baby is 8 days old and cries actual tears, is anyone else experiencing this? They ain’t supposed to form tears untill two years old!


Concerned about milestones

Hey mamas! My guy was born 10/11 and I feel like he isn't reaching milestones. He is finally starting to sit unassisted but he isn't getting up on his knees like I've seen so many other babies his age do. He does roll around constantly and he's finally getting up on his hands. Any advice to help him reach his milest...


Baby stimming?

Does anyone else’s baby circle their wrist round and round? Is it a sign of autism?


Why is my son not waking 😭

My son is 13 months and not walking , he walks while holding the couch or pushing his toys around but he will not walk on his own , nor is he talking .. I feel like I’m failing him and I don’t know what to do


Loud noises & crowds

My LO is 4 months today!!! Where has the time gone 😲 our house is relatively quiet but I do have family and friends round and go out regularly. The house is generally quiet during nap and sleep times so I'm wondering if that has contributed to her being extra jumpy with loud noises to the point where she gets…


I have an ARMY CRAWLER!!!😭😭

7 months & 5 days old!


Biting?! 😵‍💫

My 22m old goes to nursery 2 days a week and recently we’ve been told twice that she’s bitten a child (different one each time) on the face 🙈 Apparently she was hugging them then bit. They didn’t bite first. It seems out of the blue. I know they can go through a biting stage but she doesn’t bite at home or…


Delayed with crawling & feeding herself

My little girl just turned 9 months and isn’t crawling yet and isn’t feeding herself yet. The doctor is referring us to in home therapists to work with her. I feel like I failed her. We are working at both daily and I just feel like she’s doing things on her own time. Anyone else experiencing this too?


Clinginess - loss of interest in independent play?

Mommas, my almost 11 MO has been super clingy and no longer independent plays as much as she used to. She wants us to entertain her or hold her all the time now, if we leave the room or don’t give her attention all she does is cry and fuss. Anyone else experiencing this? Any tips or tricks? I’m also 6mo pregnant ...


2.5 year old turns 3 September 22

My daughter has been doing this for awhile now . It’s only with me not with other kids or teachers or other adults . She starts getting fresh with me out of nowhere and will scratch and hit me when she doesn’t get her way or what she wants etc so mostly out of frustration. But I literally don’t know how to help her...


Baby slapping

What’re you mommas saying to baby when they smack you? I’ve been saying “be gentle” and showing him what I mean. Obviously he’s a baby and isn’t going to learn just yet but it seems me saying anything to him at all entices him to hit again?


Standing and Pulling to Stand?

I just took my 9mo to the pediatrician and they were concerned my baby isn’t pulling herself up to stand yet or standing “with hands on furniture but not leaning on the item” is your baby doing these things yet? I know every baby is different but I didn’t think they could really start practicing those things until n...



My kid stands supported and walks supported but doesn’t use the Walker just holds the furniture with one hand. He prefers to stand than sit and will not walk if I try to lead him. Has anyone else’s minion started walking? Any tips


Please tell me if I’m being the asshole 🥲

My niece is 3 and she’s very independent and has a really strong character, but she’s always telling my baby off. At first it was funny and cute but now she tells him to stop / no every time he tries to crawl off somewhere. She shakes her finger at him (again, was very cute at first) and says “No! Stop! Naughty!” pr...


Baby not talking 14 months

A bit worried my baby isn’t talking she’s 14 months old. She babbles and makes sounds, she’s walking and can point at things and brings me books to read to her etc but she still hasn’t said her first word. Is there anybody in the same boat?


Is he 2 big for this now

My little boy is 8 month old very rarely ever used this but I find now he is bigger he will sit and child or even fall asleep but I can’t but wounder if he is 2 big for it now , how old was your little one when u stoped using the swing/bouncer


18 mo not talking much

I know all kids grow at their own pace and I shouldn’t compare but I see so many kids saying lots of words and my little boy just doesn’t seem interested in talking he understands what I’m saying he’s just started shaking his head to say no but other than mama and dada occasionally he doesn’t say much he has said lo...


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