Pain after ultrasound

I had my 20 week scan on Friday (this is my second baby) and the male doing my ultrasound was pushing and shoving on my belly in 2 different spots for ages, trying to get the baby to move his hands out of the way. The appointment went for 2 hours. The baby eventually stopped moving after so much pushing and seemed over it (so was I!) afterwards I was in so much pain I could hardly walk and even talking was an effort. I couldn’t let me partner touch my stomach after as it gave me sooooo much anxiety. Still, after 4 days, the spots that were pushed on still feel bruised. I never had this in my first pregnancy but that was 11 years ago! Anyone else had this? Is it normal? ALSO: the man doing the ultrasound told us it looks like our baby has clubfoot. Isn’t my doctor supposed to tell me that after they get the report/results back or is the ultrasound person allowed to tell us these things? I have to go back for another scan as they couldn’t get all the heart pics, and I am so anxious to have anyone touch my stomach. Just thinking about it makes me tear up 🥲🥲
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They Did This To Me As Well . She Openly Admitted To Me That Ppl Don't Like Her Bc Of How Hard She Presses Into The Stomach . That She Is Trying To Get Results & Make Sure Nothing In Wrong .. It Hurt So Bad I Was Crying & In Pain For Days . Felt Like Bruises & I Felt Bad For My Baby . I Had Asked For A Different One When She Was At My Next Appt . Yeah , They Aren't Supposed To Say Much Of Nothing Other Than It's A Girl Or Boy . Mines Thought I Had Sum , She Told Me & She Was Wrong .

I’m sorry it hurt so bad it shouldn’t be that painful. The 20 week ultrasound is usually way longer because they’re doing the anatomy scan so that’s maybe why you’re a little more sore

@Eboni yeah absolutely. I just don’t remember it being like that but that was 11 years ago. After 2 hours we had to rebook. My baby has always been stubborn like that in ultrasounds 😅

@Lizzy I’ve heard so many stories about how they mentioned things and then they had another scan and original person was wrong and ended up suing them! I think it’s so unprofessional to mention anything. The person should hear it from their GP. The person they trust who can help them find solutions for the problem!

That happened to me at the 12 week ultrasound

It's very normal for the sonographer to highlight any issues. They are the person writing the report that gets sent to your doctor anyway. In the UK it's the sonographer who informs you of miscarriage, abnormalities and risks right there in the scan.

It is not supposed to be painful… at my 20 week scan the sonographer pushed a bit hard and I winced - and she was extremely apologetic and said you MUST tell me if I’m pressing too hard It’s not supposed to hurt you. If I was you I would feed it back to the department and request not to have that person again. Also, next time, if someone does press too hard you should tell them and/or ask them to stop. Remember you are in control of what happens to your body and what you are ok with xx❤️

Mine was a bit uncomfortable but not painful as whenever she noticed I wasn’t comfortable she would stop for a bit and then start again trying to be more gentle. I believe they can mention it to you but the report needs to go to your doctor so they will be the ones confirming if the baby really has it or not, so in my opinion they should not say it until they are 100% sure as it can freak us moms out so much. As said above scans aren’t always accurate so try not to stress abt it I’m sure baba will be alright 🤍

@Charley in the US, the technician is the one doing the scan, while a doctor (radiologist) does the reporting. I’ve always been told that official results will come from my OB. The only things I’ve ever discussed with the tech is my past scans so they know what to look for (fibroids, oddly placed ovary, things that were on my last scan, etc). Otherwise they are an unlicensed person providing medical advice/diagnosis in a medical setting. That’s a potential lawsuit.

So sorry you had that much pain! Me too , they have been a little rough on the 20 weeks scan. The good thing, and maybe it will be the case for you , in my case it’s usually a different person every time I have a scan . So I am crossing my fingers for everything this time going great for you and your baby. Try to relax and stay positive. Sending you love and courage. Xoxo 😘 Celine

@Lydia I have rebooked with a completely different place! He knew it was painful for me and he was apologetic but felt it was necessary to get what we needed.. my partner went to touch my belly lastnight and I literally jumped in pain!!! I don’t even know if at this point it’s just anxiety and in my head or if I am actually feeling pain. Baby hasn’t moved much since the ultrasound either (I still feel him just not as much not as hard). I’m so anxious to go to my next scan on Saturday. I’m gonna let the person know how I’m feeling and hope that it’s better. 🤍

@Celine Thankyou so much 🤍🤍

@Tevenia I’m in Australia & I’ve heard about a few ladies who were given false information by the person doing the ultrasound that they ended up suing them! Hence my question. I’m hoping the next scan goes ok, at the end of the day, out of any problems a baby could have, clubfoot is the lesser of them!!!! It can be corrected. Some mamas aren’t so lucky so I am forever grateful. Just the process of that ultrasound has left me traumatised

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