Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.


Hello, I’m a first time mum to be and over the last couple of days I’ve been experiencing brown discharge, when I wipe I notice sometimes it’s a brown colour. I’m going to be 13 weeks tomorrow and worrying that this is something I should be worried about. I’ve also been suffering from lower back pain. I’ve had my ur...


Active Baby

Hey girls, the past week baby has been so active all day long, she used to be active morning afternoon and evening but I’m feeling her all the time. I’m 31 weeks today. Any advice x


Symptoms are gone!

9weeks and suddenly all my symptoms have vanished this week, I no longer “feel” pregnant anymore and my tummy has shrunk. Does anybody know if this is good or bad??? I’m absolutely losing my mind over it because I have had no signs of a miscarriage I just simply feel like having no symptoms is too good to be true 🤔…


weird feeling

Hi, i was wondering if anyone knows anything about this or experienced it as up until yesterday it hasn't happened. so sitting down, randomly i feel like a sort of feeling that the only way i can describe it is like a nerve being squished or something on my bladder and like an electric shock feeling , feeling like i...



At what point did people begin to have a bump? at the minute mines all bloat I’m assuming as I’m only 13 weeks



I’m 37+3 I’ve had back ache in my lower back and what feels like period cramps that come and go throughout the day. The pain from the cramps can be either in my tummy or go down my thighs or both. Has anyone else had this? Should I contact triage?


Help please - early Labour advice 38 weeks

Hi girls, I have just been examined and am 1 cm dilated cervix is 2cm effaced and having contractions. Couple hours now I’m having the worse period cramps it’s not going away so I haven’t started timing them really. But I’m confused as have been told to call if having abdominal pain? And this period cramp is classed...


Movement question

Hey everyone. Im 20+2 weeks and started to feel little baby movements this week but wanted to know if this is normal. I seem to feel baby more at night and early morning. Almost nothing during the day. I’ve only started getting these feelings over the last few days but it’s defo not something I can feel every hour...


Groin pressure

Hi! Has anybody felt any pressure in their groin area? The only way I can describe it is the same place it’s sore after you’ve done a spinning class/ ridden a bicycle for a while - right in the thigh area. Seems to get worse if I’ve been on my feet a bit but I can’t work out what it could be!


Pressure down below

Hi, sorry for the TMI. But I am 31 weeks with my first, and I have been feeling a lot of pressure in my vagina and some tingling as well, especially when walking. I discovered last week I have a slight prolapse and been a bit incontinent when coughing or sneezing. I have told my GP but didn't get much other than the...


Having quite strong cramps/contractions in lower belly every 10 minutes

I wouldn’t say they are painful just uncomfortable, it’s been happening all day. I really don’t know if they are contractions or not but the only way I can describe it is the lower part of my bump gets tight and then feels like strong period pains, I’ve been timing them and it’s lasting about 30 seconds every 10/15 ...


Bleeding/spotting 6+5

I’ve just gone to the toilet (I was a little constipated) and when I wiped after my wee I’ve got red/pinky blood! It was on a couple of wipes but didn’t fill the tissue. It got fainter/pinker too but now I’m super upset and worried 😭😭


Is any mamma having pain when baby moves ?

I am 38 weeks, nearly 39 weeks, and started with pain in the early hours of this morning due to position baby is in (what I've been told by midwife) just wonder who else is having this ?? 🙃


Hurt my stomach🥲

9+2 today, was shopping and the trolley wheels locked up and I walked into the handle really hard and hurt my stomach. Got cramps now I’m so worried something bad is going to happen.


Spotting 10 weeks pp?

Hi! Question for all of you mamas! I noticed some blood when I wiped last week when I went to the bathroom, 9 weeks pp. it was bright red and was only there for that one time.. i didn’t bleed at all after this. This morning I went to the bathroom and it happened again, bright red when I wiped, then it was gone. I di...


Is this the start of labour?

I have had a little jelly discharge which is tinted very slightly pink but I did have sex last night so not sure if it’s just that. I keep getting period pains that wrap all the way around to my back and I have this pressure like I need to poo every so often. Is this just my body getting ready or is it labour? Due d...


Movement - Anterior Placenta

Hi! I’m new here, I’m currently 25+2 I feel little lady kick, more down below. I’ve had two big kicks that my partner felt. But haven’t had since. Just wondering if anyone else felt the bigger kicks as time went on given my placenta? Also when did people start to really notice in the outside/pick up a pattern with...


Hip Pain!

Hi, everyone! I just turned 28 weeks pregnant today and I now know that I’m in my third trimester since a week ago, but I officially have started having really bad hip pain between my lower hips/the upper part of my thigh starting one or two days ago. Does anybody know why this is happening? I know from online it sa...



When did everyone start feeling baby move and what did it feel like, I’m nervous to start feeling it as I don’t know what to expect.



6 weeks pregnant I’ve been out all day and now I’ve got diarrhea does anyone know if this is normal?


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