I wanna tell her off. I need to vent I’m so sorry.

I wanna tell her off so bad. People who don’t take care of the bare minimum for their children, make me absolutely sick. I recently started going to church, and I’m trying to be a better person, but when it comes to things like this, I’m not sure I can bite my tongue. I don’t know how to respond in a gentle way because this girl isn’t all there. But someone needs to tell her something. This girl I went to high school with (ok, so we used to be close friends but she made some choices that made me not want to associate with her, but in the end I try to see the good in people even though she did me terribly- slept with my bf while we were in high school- mind you I’m 31 now, but then again, she bragged to me about cheating on her first ex husband. .) anyway, she’s not very good with morals, but long story short, she neglected her son and she lost custody to her father. She had another baby, a little girl, lost custody of her, due to neglect- this baby was born with physical special needs she blamed it on her husbands drug addiction but turned out that baby wasn’t his, so she was probably involved in the drugs as well. But she couldn’t take her child to her very much needed appointments either. Her husband has cheated on her, she has cheated on him. They do drugs. She found out I had a miscarriage and keeps asking what gynecologist I go to. So I asked if she is trying to have another baby, and she said yes she is…………. A baby is not a candy bar in a vending machine. She can’t just keep popping them out and then having them taken away. I asked her what about her other kids, and she said this “I am doing a case plane for daughter I have to get my gas pump checked out. The needle ain't reading right. My car won't make it to Nashville. I got to get a lawyer for my son” How the heck can she afford a baby? How can she get a lawyer and fix her car? But have another baby all while her husband doesn’t work, goes to jail for meth, and she makes minimum wage. I’m just baffled. I’m angry because she let her kids go without food and let her husband waste food. She would post on fb that her and her kid needed something to eat all the time. She can barely feed herself or take care of herself. She ended up almost dying due to Fournier gangrene. Like… I don’t understand or know how to react or if I should just walk away.
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Walk away.. it’s seems like you may be over analyzing her situation which isn’t healthy for you.. when I went through my first MC it felt so unfair and it seemed like every unfit mother I could think of was getting pregnant and having babies left & right; I also over analyzed their situations at that time due to the pain & trauma of my loss.. heal your heart and soul so that your able to just focus on yourself.. I hope this helps 💜

Yu should definitely walk away. I would Mayb attempt to have just one lost talk with her but from the sounds of it she definitely needs tough love and doesn’t deserve any sugar coating whatsoever. She’s being very selfish in bringing kids into this world that she has no capability of taking care of. It’s not fair at all to these kids especially when she can barely even keep up with feeding herself.

She has diabetes as well, and almost died from the last pregnancy. It’s just not a good idea. If she wants kids, she should try to right her wrongs, get her crap together, and try to get her kids back. Those poor babies are gonna look at her and wonder why. I’ve seen kids go through this and it is just heartbreaking. To think a new baby can replace them.

Report to CPS and walk away hunny. Don't let this woman control you.

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