Baby is constipated!

Is anyone else’s baby been constipated already? Baby girl is only 10 days old and hasn’t been for a poo for 3 days now. I rang midwife’s yesterday and they said to ring 111. Had an appointment with the doctor today and they have ruled out any obstruction’s or anything else serious. It just says online that baby should go every day for the first month. She is predominantly breast fed with top up of formula. She doesn’t seem too uncomfortable with it, but just concerned!
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My baby was getting to 48hrs with no poop and I just gave him a warm bath and he pooped in it! 🥳 worth a try maybe! He's just breastfed x

@Aimee we can’t bath her yet as her cord is still attached 😂 will defo try this when it falls off! How old was your little one when he was constipated?? X

Hi Charlotte we had this around 2 weeks old when we introduced formula, we was using the ready made bottles before hand and introduced a few bottles of powdered formula, apparently they can get constipated as they are getting used to formula and how to digest it. Our HV told us to give cool boiled water but I only gave half on Oz as I wasn’t sure wether to or not. We ended up going back to just the ready made formula as it has a natural laxative in it, we use kendamil and on day 4/5 her poos were soft again☺️ xx

@Charlotte the last 2 days he hadn't pooped and then did I the bath this afternoon! He's 17 days old today, oh yes hopefully it should be off soon and you can give her a nice warm bath, or hopefully she manages to do one soon, they must feel so uncomfortable when they don't poop for that long poor babies! X

Hey look up infant dyschezia it's really common they just haven't learned how to poop efficiently yet

My little girl can go 3 days and apparantley it can happen!

My baby struggles with his bowels, today he hasn’t been once and you can see he’s extremely uncomfortable constantly wriggling and whimpering. I decided to give him some infacol and within an hour he was asleep and relaxed. My baby is formula fed and the midwife said it is normal for them to struggle more to release their bowels. Does anyone know when their bowels start working more effectively? I hate seeing him so uncomfortable xx

My little one is formula fed and didn’t go for 2 days, we could see he was in a lot of pain, a warm bath did the trick he pooped in the bath 😅x

My little man really struggled with constipation for the first few weeks, when he was a week or so old he hadn’t been for a few days and you could see he was in pain, it was heartbreaking. We tried all the tricks in the book and I even spoke to both the health visitor and the midwife, I was told as long as he didn’t go longer than 5/6 days without going then doctors wouldn’t be concerned. The thought of leaving him that long was awful but I was told to give him a bath (he still had his cord attached but was assured it would be fine just to air dry if after) and to pop a tiny bit of Vaseline on his bottom. Needless to say he went within the hour and was so much happier for it. We also tried bicycle kicks, tummy rubs etc ☺️ xx

Thank you all so much. So reassuring to hear your stories and advice!!! Will definitely try a warm bath in the morning xx

Yes also had the same but I slowly rubbed his tummy and moved his legs around (bicycle legs) and it slowly all came out!

She’s been!!! Started last night with a huge explosion. And has been 5 times since 😅😅💩

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